Archives, Ms. Netiquette|April 28, 2006 11:35 AM

What Do I Do With Immediate Picture Requests?

Hi Ms Netiquette,

I enjoy playing Pogo. I like meeting new people too, but mostly I like simply playing the games.

A few times I have encountered a situation I don’t know how to react to. A player will pop in to a room (usually it’s a two person only game- Jungle Gin for example) and say ‘hi.’ So far so good. Then they immediately ask “age, sex, location.” Okay, I can answer that. But THEN, without any other dialogue the person will ask for a picture! I know PLENTY of people who have met their soul mates on the Internet, but I’m not interested.

How do you tell these people you aren’t interested? I think it’s rude to fire away questions like that when you haven’t even decided if these are people who even WANT to exchange personals.

Am I in the wrong? Am I the one being rude?

Your opinion is highly regarded.


Dear Julie,

You are neither in the wrong, nor are you being rude.

How do you tell these people that you’re not interested? Very simply. Just say “Thanks for your interest, but I’m only here to play games.”

The Internet is filled with many, many different people. They come to Pogo for a variety of reasons. The people who immediately ask for photographs are probably not that interested in the game and will very likely leave the game as soon as they realize that you are only interested in the game. Your best bet is to accept the fact that these people exist and don’t let them peeve your poodle.

It might help if you think of them like ants at a picnic. You know as you put your sandwiches and supplies in the picnic basket that there will be ants, but you go and you enjoy yourself anyway.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

I think Pogo is the best game site on the Internet and I often hear the same from other players. However, quite a lot of players seem to love spoiling mine and others enjoyment on here!

I really look forward to Wednesday and the new challenges and as far as I know so do almost all of the Club Pogo members, after all that is why I, and thousands of others, joined!!

Why is it then that on badge day a choice few “moaners” sit and whine in game rooms about the badges and challenges? I have noticed a few repeat moaners, they do this every week.

I am tired of going into game rooms and seeing the various stupid and uncalled for remarks. If they don’t like Club Pogo then why don’t they just end their subscription and be done with it?

I enjoy most of the games on Pogo and the challenges, if I can’t do a challenge I ask a friend to help me. I don’t sit there and gripe about it. Please print this in the hopes that the Pogoland moaners will read it and see that they do cause misery.

I’m clinging onto the hope that there will be a Wednesday that is relatively peace free!!

Looking forward to next weeks challenges

Yours sincerely


Dear Pogolandlovernothater,

To borrow an analogy from a very wise person: “it might help if you think of them like ants at a picnic…” Oh wait, that was me and I used it in the last letter. Whatever am I thinking?

Seriously, the same frame of mind will help in this situation. Understand that most of these folks who complain about the challenges are often just looking to connect with other people working on the challenge, and a complaint about the challenge is sometimes a conversation starter. They don’t mean any harm, and they are not trying to cause misery. Yes, it gets old and a bit annoying, but try to understand that these people are not purposefully trying to be downers.

Of course, on a particularly difficult challenge, they may be expressing genuine frustration, which is understandable. In either case, if you want to say anything, you might simply encourage them with a friendly “You can do it!” or “It’s not that hard! Hang in there!” Otherwise, you can always mute them. Most of these folks really do enjoy the challenges or they wouldn’t do them.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

During the Spades Badge Challenge I was playing in an open room waiting for a friend. A player came into the room and was polite and friendly so we started to play. Very shortly after joining, this player asked me out of the blue if I had a credit card.

I was shocked to read such a request. My immediate reply was “No.” I have not played with this person before, had not chatted with this person before, but this person took it upon himself to ask me that question. I asked this player why he wanted to know and I received no reply. The hand ended and he went away.

With identity theft running loose in our world today, what could I do regarding this type of individual in Pogo. I did not report this person, should I have? I did however warn my friend who came into the room shortly after.

What do you do in this situation?


Victim of Real Life Identity Theft

Dear Real Life Victim,

Only someone who has been through this experience can truly understand the magnitude of what identity theft can do to one’s life. You have my empathy.

Thank you for writing. It’s always good to remind people about the dangers of giving out too much personal information online, or anywhere, really. The player who asked you if you had a credit card was almost certainly up to no good. Even if he was asking in order to persuade you to make a donation to some charitable cause that only accepts credit cards, he was still out of line with that question.

You and all players do not owe anyone answers to personal questions. Whether it be “Are you married?” or “What are the last four digits of your Social Security number?” The best way to keep your personal information private is to never give it.

It’s great fun to be online and to meet new friends, and we sometimes forget that some of the people we meet do not have our best interests in mind. If someone asks you a question that sounds a little odd, be alert and wary. Ne’er-do-wells have successfully conned other players into giving out their passwords, their phone numbers, and all sorts of other personal information.

If you are asked a question you do not wish to answer, don’t. Plain and simple. Even if it means that the person requesting the information is offended, you will feel much better knowing that you’ve kept your information private.

In the future, should you be asked for a credit card number in chat, you can use the Report Chat Abuse form by highlighting the player’s name, and right clicking on the mouse. You’ll see the “Report Abuse” option and upon clicking it the Report Chat Abuse form will open up in a new window. While “soliciting credit cards” is not a choice on the form, you can choose “Harassment or Stalking” and use the description field to explain the issue. The report will automatically take a segment of the chat from the conversation and our Customer Support team can investigate it further.

The rule of using a comma also applies to giving out information: when in doubt– leave it out! (And a special “thank you” all my English teachers!)

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