Ms. Netiquette|January 20, 2012 5:44 PM

What Happens When You’ve Had Your Account Spoofed?


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

While in a game room, I witnessed a confrontation between two players with uncommon but nearly identical user names. One of them had obviously created an account and edited the profile to mimic the other player’s account.

While the motivation for this action is unknown, there are many possible negative consequences to the original player.

Does Pogo have any policy in place to resolve problems of this nature?

Leave the Impersonating to the Comedians



Dear Leave the Impersonating to the Comedians,Of course we do! In fact, if you’re in a game room and see this happen, you can report the situation using the Report Abuse function. If you can find the spoofed screen name, simply click or right click it (some games behave differently) and choose “Report Abuse”. Then look for the last option: “Bad Screen Name (Vulgar, Spoof, Impersonation)”. Choose that.

Don’t worry if you’ve chosen the wrong name – our representatives will see both names and will be able to determine who has spoofed who by looking the accounts up.

Now, before you make any report – do make sure that it is, indeed, a spoof situation. What you observed was no doubt one player impersonating another. However, if you walk into a room and see MeLoveSnooki1 and MeLoveSnooki2 and they’re chatting happily with each other, assume they’re friends, or possibly members of the “I Love Snooki Fan Club”… and don’t create (sorry… I just can’t resist making this bad Jersey Shore reference) a “Situation”!


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

I am writing you in hopes you can do me a favor. You probably gets hundreds of emails every day but maybe this example can remind everyone of one thing – and that’s to have more respect for one another and instead of stooping to their level and retaliating, be the bigger person and walk away.

Back in 2005, my mother introduced me to Pogo. We lived in the same city, same town at the time until she moved to Texas. Then Pogo became a way to spend more time together as I decided to stay in Tennessee. Mind you, my mother and I are very close, but I’m not what you call a “momma’s boy”. To give you an example, when I was 16, my mom and I were goofing around singing Sonny & Cher’s “I Got You Babe” into hairbrushes pretending they were mics. Silly right?

Over past few years my mother’s health has declined rapidly, and I am planning a trip down there as she has been diagnosed with Lupus and has caused an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system is attacking her liver. A few hours ago, my mother called me and didn’t sound so good. I was in Crazy Cakes working on a Personal Challenge and she came into the room with me until she felt up to finally laying down for a rest. When she did, I got to thinking of our good times, all that she taught me which are things that every mother teaches her kids, and Ms. Netiquette, you are like the mother of Pogo.

So, I want to remind everyone, remember the things that your mothers have taught you. Have respect for one another, be the bigger person and walk away. Arguing on the internet gets you nowhere and if you have a disagreement, the mute button is like a virtual restraining order. I am 26 and I don’t have kids just yet, but I will pass along the things that my mother has taught me.

So in closing, I want to thank you Ms. Netiquette for reminding every Pogo member what Moms teach. And I want to thank *everyone* who helps make Pogo what it is because it has given me and my mother a way to stay close.


A Thankful Son

Dear A Thankful Son,What a sweet letter! It sounds like you and your mom have a lot of wonderful memories, and while singing into hairbrushes may be silly (especially singing that particular song), those are the moments in life we must cherish.

As for your “you are the mother of Pogo” comment… well… I just don’t know what to say! That’s a lot of responsibility! But, I’ll take it as a compliment, and wish your mother best of luck with her health, and that you and she are able to cherish more memories.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

I was a bit taken aback at the answer to Didn’t Mean to Intrude(Ms. Netiquette, January 13, 2012) regarding the chat messages sent by the player who wanted to be in the room alone.

As Intrude indicated, we really have no control over which room we end up in if we select “Play now.” I think the person who posted those nasty-grams in chat should be booted. I also felt your comparison to the gym was a bit off the mark. If I paid money to go to a gym and another person told me rudely to leave and complained I had ruined his/her day by showing up, I’d be telling the gym management. I’d also expect a far better answer than the equivalent of “just ignore him!” In fact, if that was the answer they gave me, I’d be asking them to refund the rest of my fee!

Most idiots are probably best ignored but those who have such a sense of entitlement are narcissists and need to have the limits enforced! This person stepped over the limit and he needs to learn that he is no more entitled to a private game room than I am to call myself the Queen of England! Thanks for listening, but I really think that in the future members should be encouraged to report such obnoxious behavior.

Just One of the Peons

Dear Just One of the Peons,I will give you that my gym comparison was not the best analogy I could have made. In fact, you are right on the money with that critique – it very well may have been my worst!

However, reporting someone for asking you to leave, and essentially being a grumpy and demanding player, will do no good. Why not? Because it’s not a Terms of Service violation. Yup. You can ask people to leave all you want. It’s impolite, quite obnoxious and will likely cause some people to get upset with you, but there are no rules preventing you from asking it.

And before you say “Well, then, I guess I *can* claim I’m the Queen of England!”, be warned that impersonation *is* a Terms of Service violation. My guess is you wouldn’t get reported, unless you were obnoxiously trying to convince people that you were, indeed, the Queen.

The bottom line is that there are a lot of things you can do on Pogo that are impolite, but not actually against the rules. My hope is to educate players on how to best deal with all types of situations – even those that are not against the rules.


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