Archives, Ms. Netiquette|January 20, 2006 10:19 AM

What Should I Do With Parents Who Let Their Children Bang on the Keyboard?


Ms. Netiquette,

I was wondering if I’m the only one that finds it rude to let your child bang on the keyboard while the adult plays with the mouse? I was recently told in no uncertain terms what a “scumbag” I was because I asked the person sending “faujgionfan” “iroegnr;nbklnf” and “94iu9032 hng kzl fdk” to not interrupt our conversation with gibberish. Some of us were actually trying to communicate. I was told that she only needed the mouse for the game and her son liked the keyboard. i think that she should have seen for herself that he was disruptive. But instead she got muted I got mad and no one continued talking. Ruined game and chat for all! Did I handle it right by not commenting further just muting her very bad mouth?

Can’t Appreciate Gibberish



Dear CAB,Last week we discussed non-English language being used in the chat room, and I said it was okay for those people to chat in a foreign language. One might assume the same would be true here. Alas, it is not. This parent here was clearly rude by letting her son behave in such a way that results in other people becoming annoyed. While there are no rules regarding which language you can use on Pogo, there are rules against “screen scrolling” and chat disruption which probably apply here.The parent here was apparently not looking out for the best interest of her fellow Pogo players, and sadly, not for her son either. Children need to be taught from an early age what is and what is not a toy. But I am not a child psychologist, and while I am tempted to banter on and on about parental obligation and what’s wrong with parents today, I will do us all a favor and show restraint.If she wants her child to play with the keyboard, then she should unplug it from the computer and let him have at it.If you should find yourself in a similar situation in the future, you might consider using the Abuse Report Form and reporting the chat scrolling. It’s one thing to mute a player who is annoying you with what he or she is saying, but it’s quite another to disrupt the chat field to the point where it’s impossible to communicate.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

Why do people always complain about how difficult a weekly challenge is? And would it be wrong of me to ask them to stop complaining or to just simply suggest that if the challenge is too difficult for them, to go play something else? This seems to be a weekly thing with people, and I feel that its called a challenge for a reason, and it was easy, then pogo would just hand out the badges for simply showing up.


Fed Up With Complainers

Dear Fed Up,Your frustration is understandable. We’ve come to realize that most of the people complaining about the challenges aren’t really that upset about the difficulty of the challenge. In many cases, they just want to start up a conversation or to feel like a part of the community.Most challenges can be done within a few hours. Some challenges take a little longer, and a few can take a really long time. If the challenge is super easy, then I’d chalk up their complaints to simple conversation starters. If the challenge is really difficult, then they may actually be asking for support. Rather than telling them to stop complaining, you might try encouraging them by telling them “Come on, you can do it!”If you get really annoyed by the chatter, you can always turn off chat or mute the most obnoxious offenders.
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