Archives, Ms. Netiquette|September 3, 2010 12:47 PM

Where Does One Draw the Line in Uncensored Chat?

Dear Ms. Netiquette,

I played gin last week in an uncensored chat room. Yes, it’s uncensored, but to me “uncensored” and “pure filth” are different.

In a table game, this man asked me if I was naughty. When I said “no” he told me to leave his table then proceeded to ask me very personal questions, which were very filthy.

I wouldn’t answer and he told me if I did not answer he wouldn’t play again till I did. I had to leave the table, and since it was a rated game I lost rating points.

To me this man was way out of line with the things he was asking me. They were very offensive and I would never repeat them. Just think of something very vulgar, disgusting, and degrading for a women to be asked and put yourself in my place.

These kind of perverts should not be allowed to play where they can talk like this.

Thank you,

Unclear on Uncensored

Dear Unclear on Uncensored,

What a horrible experience, and I’m so sorry you had to endure such an insensitive oaf.

Alas, the reality is that uncensored rooms do tend to be the first rooms people with those sorts of intentions go. While Pogo is a game site and most people come here expecting to play games, there are those that hope to mix a little “dirty talk” in in with their gaming experience and head towards the uncensored rooms to do just that.

What your opponent did was, indeed, a Terms of Service violation. You were clear in your communications with him that you had no interest in taking the conversation in an X-rated direction. He ignored you and proceeded to make you feel very uncomfortable. You felt torn because it was a rated game and stayed until you couldn’t take anymore.

I’ve been quoting this particular passage from the Terms of Service quite a bit lately, but it bears repeating again:

You may violate the Terms of Service if you:

  • Harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything else to another player that is unwanted, such as repeatedly sending unwanted messages or making personal attacks or statements about race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc.

This applies to the uncensored rooms as well. As soon as he crossed the line – that is, after you told him “no” – and he proceeded, you could have submitted an Abuse Report. Submitting the ticket would have automatically muted him for you, and you’d either be able to continue the game, or wait for him to take his turn, which it sounds like he was unwilling to do. Now, the fact of the matter is that the team dedicated to reading Abuse Reports are not able to react immediately, so had you decided to wait it out to see if he’d be booted and you’d be able to take the in, you might have been waiting several hours.

Unfortunately, sometimes you will have to give up a rating to an oaf. The oaf takes the win, and appears to receive no consequences for his bad behavior. But, the oaf also has to live with himself, which is probably greater punishment than anyone could dole out.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

This letter might just call for two cups of tea, Ms. Nettie!

I was in a game room playing Crazy Cakes today, and a player came in and began ranting and raving about political issues. She was stating that the only reason our President got elected was due to ” un-educated” voters. I tried to say in a friendly manner that since Pogo is a game site that it is hardly the place for political debates.

She became angry at that and continued her diatribe about the state of our government and it’s leader. I did ask her to stop and blessed the mute button when she didn’t.

Is this against the Terms of Service? I found her comments offensive and did try to tell her that. She just automatically assumed that I was asking her to stop because of differing opinions. While I DID disagree with her opinion I did not allow myself to be drawn into her rants. And I did have several people agree with me that Crazy Cakes is NOT the forum for that kind of chat. I come to Pogo to have FUN and chat with friends and family. NOT to watch someone run down our country.

Was I wrong to ask her to stop? Please let me know, I would not like to think that I was infringing on HER rights or freedom of chat.

Just sign me as “Politically Corrected”

Dear Politically Corrected,

Thank you for giving me another excuse to drink more tea.

Ranting and raving about politics in general is not a Terms of Service violation. If she had made threats, engaged in hate speech (usually having to do with race, religion, sex, etc…), or used foul language, then she would have been violating the TOS. However, if she was merely just ranting about how she feels about the state of the country, she’s not breaking any rules.

As for you, you politely reminded this players that her rant against the government is not the best forum for such topics. This was perfectly acceptable to do. In fact, most people will agree with you, regardless of whether or not they agree with the rant. Furthermore, you may be doing the ranting player a service by pointing it out. He or she may decide to keep quiet and save the rants for a more appropriate venue.

In this case, the ranting player wanted to rant and it’s likely nothing you could have possibly said would have stopped her from going on and on with it. You did the right thing by mentioning it to her, refusing to be drawn into it, and then utilizing the mute.

You did not, in any way, infringe upon her freedom to chat. You merely invoked your own right not to see it.


Dear Ms. Netiquette,

I would like to tell you my experience just two weeks after becoming a Club Pogo member.

I came from another game site with a bunch of other people. We got right into sending messages – chain and others too. Like most people I knew, I did not completely read the Terms of Service before joining Pogo.

I sent a chain type message one day and the next day received a message and an email from EA informing me I had violated the TOS by sending a chain letter. I was also told my account had been flagged and if I did it again I could lose my account.

This is one aspect you totally missed in your advice to both ‘Unchain Me, Please’ and ‘Chain Me? No Thank You’. Perhaps the TOS has changed since then, and maybe I should read it again every so often. I no longer send chain letters.

I just thought this is something players should know. Thank you for your time.

Unchained in Pogo

Dear Unchained in Pogo,

And thank you for writing. You are 100% correct. It is actually a Terms of Service violation to send unwanted chain and forwarded messages to other players. I completely missed that part when I answered and I appreciate you letting me know.

In fact, for those who are contemplating sending a message to a spam-crazy friend, you might want to include that in your e-mail. Letting folks know that sending these types of messages are a violation of Pogo’s Terms of Service could save a friend from getting the ol’ boot!


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