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aa Dear Ms. Netiquette, I was curious if you have any suggestions as how to make friends on Pogo. As a newer member, I feel I have tried repeatedly to be very friendly with others in chat, but no one […]
Dear Ms. Netiquette, Today people from a league started to bad mouth me to other players as well as harass and berate another player who is my friend when she requested that they stop. They laughed at her name saying […]
Dear Ms. Netiquette, Several weeks ago I was playing in Solitaire and two men were using hateful and vulgar language towards women. One woman was very upset. All she and I wanted to do was play and enjoy a normal […]
Dear Ms. Netiquette, I am a Club Pogo subscriber, please bear with me, I am 76 yrs old and have had 2 accounts taken from me. I did not realize the accounts were gone until I tried to pay for […]
It’s Friday the 13th and I thought it would be fun to grab a big cup of Darjeeling, a couple of shortbread cookies and cozy up to the computer and write a fitting and fun column to commemorate the day! […]
Dear Ms. Netiquette, I’m trying to win a 2004 Euchre Badge and I need to win rated games to win the Badge, so I went into a Beginner’s room because I don’t play very often. I was actually surprised at […]
Dear Ms. Netiquette, I haven’t seen this addressed so thought I’d give it a go. You may need your tea for this one as it involves children. On occasion I enjoy playing in an uncensored room. There’s one that I […]
Dear Ms. Netiquette, I played QWERTY recently and knew my opponent would win the match; no issue there – he/she was far enough ahead that I wouldn’t readily catch up. What really hurt though was the last word he/she played […]