Ms. Netiquette / August 17, 2006 2:59 PM 
Dear Ms. Netiquette, My favorite game is Shuffle Bump and I play it a lot. Most of the time I play the robots in the Master rooms since I am most interested in building my game skills. And for that […]
Ms. Netiquette / August 11, 2006 2:53 PM 
Dear Ms. Netiquette, How do you deal with a player who is a sore loser? I was playing Jungle Gin and unfortunately I won the game when the other player accused me of cheating. She told me that she was […]
Ms. Netiquette / August 4, 2006 2:49 PM 
Dear Nettie, Let me start by saying I love your column! I always make a point to keep up with what you write, and take it to heart, so I can bring my best manners to the table. After all, […]
Archives / July 28, 2006 2:00 PM 
Dear Ms. Netiquette, Recently, I was enjoying a game of Dice City Roller. I play with the auction feature and there weren’t many of us in the room. Well, I bid on the same item as another player, and won […]
Archives / July 21, 2006 1:51 PM 
Ms. Netiquette, I have a question that I am sure is asked by plenty of people about Pogo’s policy on banning names in rooms. Why is it that certain people can break rules right and left, continually harass and make […]
Archives / July 14, 2006 1:46 PM 
Dear Ms. Netiquette, I’ve noticed a number of people complaining in Letters to the Editor about not being able to add certain Jackpot winners to their Friends List, and it got me wondering. Is it really polite behavior to add […]
Archives / July 7, 2006 1:43 PM 
Dear Readers, This week we are going to dedicate this column to acronyms and “netspeak.” Ms. Netiquette received so many letters regarding acronyms and netspeak that she had to indulge in three extra cups of strong British tea to wade […]
Archives / June 30, 2006 1:40 PM 
Ms. Netiquette, Wow, talk about offended! I come to Pogo to play games, chat with friends and escape the “real world.” And now look at Pogo going and trying to be “politically correct” by bringing us ‘Plus Sized Mini’s’. Uh– […]
Archives / June 23, 2006 1:36 PM 
Dear Ms. Netiquette, I love to play Pogo, and getting lots of tokens makes me feel good– like I have accomplished something. But just when I got on Pogo I saw this spotlight that said “Get 1 Million Tokens.” I […]
Archives / June 16, 2006 1:32 PM 
Dear Ms. Netiquette, Is there a polite way to ask someone you’re chatting with not to use ‘netspeak’ in a private conversation? Honestly, it drives me crazy, it’s hard to read, and my brain just doesn’t process it! Since there’s […]