Post Tagged with: "Chat"

Test Post

Archives / June 26, 2015 3:51 PM Test Post

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Badges / July 2, 2013 11:21 AM test story not published yet4

test story not published yet  laksjfdlkajsdlfkjas,,   laksjfdlkajsdlfkjas,,   laksjfdlkajsdlfkjas,,   laksjfdlkajsdlfkjas,,   laksjfdlkajsdlfkjas,,   laksjfdlkajsdlfkjas,,   laksjfdlkajsdlfkjas,,   laksjfdlkajsdlfkjas,, laksjfdlkajsdlfkjas,,   laksjfdlkajsdlfkjas,,   laksjfdlkajsdlfkjas,,   laksjfdlkajsdlfkjas,, list list list list

New Club Pogo Emoticons Now Available!

Check it Out! / May 22, 2012 11:08 AM New Club Pogo Emoticons Now Available!

Just launched! 18 new emoticons to express your Club Pogo self in chat while playing games with your friends! Whether you feel like using the nerd face, raspberry face, or sweet tooth emoticon, we’ve got you covered! Get yourself into […]

Nettie, How Can I Make Friends on Pogo?

Latest News / May 18, 2012 6:40 PM Nettie, How Can I Make Friends on Pogo?

aa Dear Ms. Netiquette, I was curious if you have any suggestions as how to make friends on Pogo. As a newer member, I feel I have tried repeatedly to be very friendly with others in chat, but no one […]

The League Thought They Owned the Room!

Ms. Netiquette / May 11, 2012 5:21 PM The League Thought They Owned the Room!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, Today people from a league started to bad mouth me to other players as well as harass and berate another player who is my friend when she requested that they stop. They laughed at her name saying […]

I Was Banned for Hate Speech!

Ms. Netiquette / May 4, 2012 6:37 PM I Was Banned for Hate Speech!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, Several weeks ago I was playing in Solitaire and two men were using hateful and vulgar language towards women. One woman was very upset. All she and I wanted to do was play and enjoy a normal […]

There was a Child in an Uncensored Room!

Ms. Netiquette / March 30, 2012 6:27 PM There was a Child in an Uncensored Room!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I haven’t seen this addressed so thought I’d give it a go. You may need your tea for this one as it involves children. On occasion I enjoy playing in an uncensored room. There’s one that I […]

Alienated Because I Keep My Profile Private!

Ms. Netiquette / March 9, 2012 6:10 PM Alienated Because I Keep My Profile Private!

  Dear Ms. Netiquette, Why is it so important to some people that a person have their profile open for public? Does it frighten them if it’s not? I have been asked on several occasions why mine is closed. No […]

Concerned About a Guestbook Message I Left!

Ms. Netiquette / February 24, 2012 6:05 PM Concerned About a Guestbook Message I Left!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I hope this will be considered for publishing, as I believe so many share the same unfortunate confused “angst” or anxiety about my issue. The issue is how to communicate with someone you don’t know, but want […]

G’Head and Embed, Getting Help, Goodbye Hot Shots and MORE!

Archives / February 8, 2012 1:41 PM G’Head and Embed, Getting Help, Goodbye Hot Shots and MORE!

Love the New Embedded Game Pages! Editor Tahd, Thank you to whoever has designed these new ways of playing. I am talking about all the information on the page as well as not having to have a pop-up window! YES! […]