Post Tagged with: "Facebook"

Bumbling Bundle, Pontificating Pogo, 7-Letter Words and MORE!

Archives / February 22, 2012 3:21 PM Bumbling Bundle, Pontificating Pogo, 7-Letter Words and MORE!

Bumble Bee Bundle Supposed to be Three! Hmm…I love the Bundle Bee bundle – I bought it but it doesn’t work. Neither did the last two weeks of Challenges. Why can’t Pogo release items or games that do not have […]

What to Do About a Threatening Message?

Ms. Netiquette / February 17, 2012 6:00 PM What to Do About a Threatening Message?

Hello Ms. Netiquette, I received a somewhat threatening message through my Club Pogo account. The message was concerning me and a female friend who is also on Pogo and she got a message also. Unfortunately, I was so upset I […]

Mahjongg Messaging, Badge Album Misprint, Overstaying Elves, Marvelous Mods and MORE!

Archives / January 10, 2012 1:00 PM Mahjongg Messaging, Badge Album Misprint, Overstaying Elves, Marvelous Mods and MORE!

Happy New Year! I want to wish all at Pogo a happy and prosperous New Year. Thanks so much for all the free tokens. I always look forward to Thursday knowing they are there. Thanks again and keep them coming! […]

Can You Remind Players to Practice Patience?

Archives / April 8, 2011 3:46 PM Can You Remind Players to Practice Patience?

Dear Ms Netiquette, I am just writing in the hopes that the numerous rude players I have come across recently will read this and take to heart what is being said. Perhaps I am simply crazy in my expectations of […]

Tiki Bros. Tip Talk – Shy About Playing Pogo Games on Facebook?

Archives / December 17, 2010 1:39 PM Tiki Bros. Tip Talk – Shy About Playing Pogo Games on Facebook?

By Bret D. | December 17, 2010 Red: Hey folks, I’m Red Tiki and this is my brother Green and we are bringing you yet another episode of Tiki Brothers Tip Talk. I’m here with Green Tiki and for some […]

Maybe I Should Have Stood My Ground?

Archives / November 19, 2010 12:04 PM Maybe I Should Have Stood My Ground?

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I just poured myself a lovely cup of mint tea because I’m deeply upset regarding what I have recently encountered while playing a game. A conversation started by one player reading another’s profile and expressing her appreciation […]

Tikis Discuss Facebook with Cousin Cobalt!

Archives / February 17, 2010 1:25 PM Tikis Discuss Facebook with Cousin Cobalt!

By Bret D. | February 17, 2010 Red: Hi Cousin Cobalt! How are you doing? Cousin Cobalt: Just swell! It sure is great to see you… where’s Green? Red: Where else? At the computer… over there… Green: Doot Doot Dee […]

Tiki Brothers Talk Word Whomp™ Dash!

Archives / July 17, 2008 11:43 AM Tiki Brothers Talk Word Whomp™ Dash!

By Bret D. | July 17, 2008 Green: Hey everyone out there in Pogo land! *Waves* Red and I are here to drop some knowledge and help our loyal Pogo followers get into the brand new Word Whomp Dash game! […]

Tikis Talk Widgets, Gadgets and Social Networking!

Archives / February 29, 2008 11:25 AM Tikis Talk Widgets, Gadgets and Social Networking!

By Bret D. | February 29, 2008   Red: Hey Green (peeks over shoulder), what’s that your doing? It doesn’t look like Pogo.Green: Dude! I’m “social networking!” It’s ALL the rage! Red: Oh yeah, you mean like, and […]