Post Tagged with: "Guestbook"

Old Friend Wrongly Accusing Me of Abuse!

Ms. Netiquette / March 2, 2012 6:16 PM Old Friend Wrongly Accusing Me of Abuse!

Dear Nettie, I have a problem with another player who’s accusing me of being someone that has been writing nasty messages to him and his girlfriend. I’ve known this person for almost four years and this is not the first […]

Concerned About a Guestbook Message I Left!

Ms. Netiquette / February 24, 2012 6:05 PM Concerned About a Guestbook Message I Left!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I hope this will be considered for publishing, as I believe so many share the same unfortunate confused “angst” or anxiety about my issue. The issue is how to communicate with someone you don’t know, but want […]

Spooked By Insensitivity in Spooky Slots!

Archives / October 7, 2011 10:41 AM Spooked By Insensitivity in Spooky Slots!

Dear Ms Netiquette, I have been a member of Pogo for some time now. I love Spooky Slots. This morning I went into my regular room and was noticing two people chatting. I could not believe how rude and mean […]

A Player Rained on My Amazing Mini Parade!

Archives / September 23, 2011 4:39 PM A Player Rained on My Amazing Mini Parade!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, Recently I participated in an Amazing Mini Event. I took my time scrolling through my many backrounds and outfits and I dressed up my Mini and gave it a clever caption. I have never been selected before […]

Is a “Thank You” Too Much to Expect?

Archives / February 4, 2011 4:39 PM Is a “Thank You” Too Much to Expect?

Dear Nettie, I know it is better to give than to receive and I have a circle of friends that enjoy giving each other mini items, badges, etc. Within this circle, we always acknowledge each gift with a heartfelt “Thank […]

How Do I Politely Decline Unwanted Advances?

Archives / August 13, 2010 1:19 PM How Do I Politely Decline Unwanted Advances?

Dear Ms. Netiquette, After two “Hellos” this guy thought he knew me, and kept asking the same questions, over and over, gee… Finally, I left the game and then he went to my profile and asked “Why can’t we be […]

How Do I Deepen a Casual Pogo Friendship?

Archives / February 5, 2010 3:37 PM How Do I Deepen a Casual Pogo Friendship?

Hi Nettie, I play Pogo quite a bit, and really enjoy my time here. I meet so many nice people in the various rooms and sometimes we have a nice chat while we play. I am wondering if you have […]