Post Tagged with: "Language"

Is a “Thank You” Too Much to Expect?

Archives / February 4, 2011 4:39 PM Is a “Thank You” Too Much to Expect?

Dear Nettie, I know it is better to give than to receive and I have a circle of friends that enjoy giving each other mini items, badges, etc. Within this circle, we always acknowledge each gift with a heartfelt “Thank […]

Nettie Responds to Letters From Recent Writers

Archives / October 8, 2010 12:26 PM Nettie Responds to Letters From Recent Writers

  Dear Ms. Netiquette, I agree whole heartedly with A Happy Camper in Pogo Land(Ms. Netiquette, 10/1/2010). I have been a Club member for a little over a year and other than the occasional WTG and GG in various games, […]

Plenty of Well-Mannered Folks on Pogo!

Archives / October 1, 2010 12:30 PM Plenty of Well-Mannered Folks on Pogo!

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I just had to write and let you know about the most wonderful experience I had in First Class Solitaire. A couple of ladies were chatting about Texas weather and the fact that one of them would […]

Speaking Foreign Language Spurs Barrage of Insults!

Archives / September 24, 2010 12:33 PM Speaking Foreign Language Spurs Barrage of Insults!

Dear Ms. Nettie, I have noticed during numerous games in the past that players who speak a language other than English have been treated unkindly by others. Some folks even threatened to report them when they were just chatting with […]

Are There Rules Against Talking About Illegal Activities?

Archives / August 6, 2010 1:28 PM Are There Rules Against Talking About Illegal Activities?

Hi Nettie, Maybe this isn’t entirely an etiquette issue, but what are the rules regarding players talking about illegal drug use? I’m noticing many people bragging of their “drug of choice”, promoting it as if it’s ok. It’s neither “cool” […]

Wish the Clueless in CLUE Would Get a Clue!

Archives / May 14, 2010 2:30 PM Wish the Clueless in CLUE Would Get a Clue!

Dear Nettie, I don’t usually complain and do not consider myself to be a whiner, however, this I must speak about. I am in love with the new CLUE: Secrets & Spies game. I have a small number of Pogo […]

Love the League, Not So Happy with the Cry Baby!

Archives / May 7, 2010 2:36 PM Love the League, Not So Happy with the Cry Baby!

Hi Ms. Nettie, Hope you have a good glass of tea for this one! I have been playing in a league for awhile now and I also host for the league. I love it when not busy with badges as […]

How About a Gentle Reminder on the Importance of Privacy?

Archives / February 12, 2010 3:35 PM How About a Gentle Reminder on the Importance of Privacy?

Dear Ms. Netiquette, I saw something in chat today that I thought maybe you could talk about in one of your columns. A couple of people were getting to know each other – which is wonderful – and they seemed […]

Are There Etiquette Rules on Bidding?

Archives / January 8, 2010 3:46 PM Are There Etiquette Rules on Bidding?

Dear Ms. Netiquette, Recently I was playing for a badge and was in a room by myself. Someone entered the room and started to play. There was an auction and I clicked on one of the items. The other person […]

Politeness: Where Does One Draw the Line?

Ms. Netiquette / August 4, 2006 2:49 PM Politeness: Where Does One Draw the Line?

Dear Nettie, Let me start by saying I love your column! I always make a point to keep up with what you write, and take it to heart, so I can bring my best manners to the table. After all, […]