Post Tagged with: "Sore Losers"

Must I Play the Same Individual Repeatedly?

Archives / December 9, 2011 9:35 AM Must I Play the Same Individual Repeatedly?

Hey Nettie, My question is specifically in regards to High Stakes Pool, but I guess it could be applied to any game. I enjoy chatting with and meeting new people. Therefore, after I am finished with a game of pool, […]

Nettie Gets Tough with SCRABBLE Players

Archives / August 27, 2010 12:50 PM Nettie Gets Tough with SCRABBLE Players

Ms. Netiquette, I always grant extra time when a player’s time runs out in SCRABBLE. If an opponent does not extend me the same courtesy, I leave. Recently, a player and I were extending each other time when unexpectedly the […]

Don’t Be Too Quick to Judge!

Archives / November 10, 2006 3:42 PM Don’t Be Too Quick to Judge!

Hi Ms. Netiquette, I have read more than a few times in letters to you about people getting frustrated when someone who is losing exits the game. I too have found this annoying in the past, as no matter how […]

How Does One Deal With Sore Losers?

Ms. Netiquette / August 11, 2006 2:53 PM How Does One Deal With Sore Losers?

Dear Ms. Netiquette, How do you deal with a player who is a sore loser? I was playing Jungle Gin and unfortunately I won the game when the other player accused me of cheating. She told me that she was […]